[Excel] I want to make an organizational diagram efficiently!Tech to create a conceptual diagram easily with Excel

huaweiwearabless 19/08/2022 804

How to use Excel that can't be heard anymore


I was asked to create an unfamiliar organizational map ...!

At work, there are surprisingly many people who have been in trouble when asked to create conceptual diagrams such as business flow diagrams and organizational chart.With the function of "Smartart" in Excel, you can easily create such a conceptual diagram.

In this article, I will explain how to create the following organizational diagram (①) using Excel's "Smartart".


Let's make an organizational diagram using "Smartart"

Open the new sheet and click [Insert] tab (①) → [Figure] (②) → [Smartart] (③).


Select the Smartart Graphic dialog box is displayed.This dialog box allows you to select various types of conceptual diagrams.Here, select [Hierarchical structure] (④) from the left column of the dialog box, and select [Organizational diagram] (⑤) from the graphics (chart) displayed in the center column.


When you can select the chart to create, click [OK] (⑥) to close the dialog box.

【Excel】組織図を効率よく作りたい! エクセルで簡単に概念図を作成するテク

When you return to the sheet, an organization diagram (⑦) is inserted.On the left is a text window (⑧) for entering characters displayed in the figure.


Delete because there is an unnecessary figure in this inserted organizational map.Click on the border of ⑨ to select, and press the Delete key.


Then, the shape selected earlier is deleted (⑩).


Let's enter characters in the figure.Click the input field displayed as [Text] at the top of the text window and enter "Sales Headquarters" (⑪).It is also displayed on the figure at the same time as the input (⑫).


After the input, press the [↓] key (downward arrow key) to move to the next input field.

Similarly, we will enter the characters (Tokyo branch office, Nagoya branch office, Osaka branch office) in the following three shapes (⑬).


If you can enter "Osaka Branch", press the [Enter] key.Then, a new figure is created in the same hierarchy, but press the [Tab] key here.Then, a figure is created in the hierarchy below the Osaka branch (⑭).


Enter the "Sales Division" (⑮) in the text window input field and press the [Enter] key.


Then, a new figure is added to the same hierarchy, so in the input field of the text window, enter "Sales 2" (⑯).


Since the shapes under the "Osaka branch office" are displayed up and down (⑰), change to the same arrangement as others.Select (⑱) the figure of the Osaka Branch and click the [Smartart Design] tab (⑲) → [Layout] (⑳) → [Standard] (㉑).


The arrangement of the shapes under the "Osaka branch office" has been changed (㉒).I was able to create an organizational map that was introduced at the beginning.


Efficiently create a conceptual diagram using "Smartart"

This time, I explained how to create an organizational diagram using Excel's "Smartart".It is finished in a more efficient and well -organized organizational diagram than creating a normal figure function.In addition, you can make various conceptual diagrams in "Smartart", so please try it.

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